Banana Republic is MY Label

nike and brand on the street
“Shared value would not sway me away from my Nikes. Sorry, I know there are better humans”

Name: Kirkland

Age: 22

Works for: Software Developer (wow, not many of those around San Francisco!)

Lives in: San Francisco

Last thing watched / read / listened to / seen: Westworld

How was it?


Major News Source: Twitter

Brands on the Street:

  • Nike
  • Banana Republic
  • Sonoma
  • Apple

Why these brands?

I went to college in Portland so, Nike and Portland…

Banana is MY label, I usually go for them, at least one piece a day. As for Sonoma, I don’t even know how I got this shirt. I don’t remember.

Impact on Society

I don’t really know about Nike, but I would guess positive. Apple also has a positive impact on society.

Are you aware of any “shared value” imparted by these brands?


Would you switch to a brand that was just as good but that offered more shared value?

Shared value would not sway me away from my Nikes. Sorry, I know there are better humans.

At this point in the interview Kirkland saw his friend and call him over. If you think interviewing strangers on the street is easy, try it!

Aside from purchasing decisions, is there any way you personally try to do good in the world?

I work at Salesforce so we do a lot of volunteer work.

More about our interviews