Comfort First: Our First Interview

Onitsuka Tigers on the street
Comfort first

Name: Partha

Age: 35

Works for: Symantec

Lives in: Hayes Valley

Last thing watched / read / listened to / seen: Portlandia

How was it? “Quirky”

Brands on the Street:

  • Levis
  • asics / Onitsuka
  • Nike
  • Apple



Why these brands?
The pants work for me, and the shoes, the shoes fit better than anything else. The iPhone is familiarity, I’ve had one since they came out.

Are you aware of any “shared value” imparted by these brands?
No. I’m aware that various companies have corporate social responsibility activities, but I don’t know the specifics

Did shared value drive these purchasing decisions in any way?
I wouldn’t say so. Now, if I found something not good that these companies were doing, that would discourage my continued loyalty. But otherwise, no.

Would you switch to a brand that was just as good but that offered more shared value?
It’s going to boil down to fit, ease of use, convenience. I want to be comfortable first.

Does shared value drive any other of your purchasing decisions?
I do use Tom’s toothpaste, I know they’re environmentally conscientious, and that they have good manufacturing practices. That has driven my loyalty to them, in part. I know they’re owned by Procter & Gamble [it’s actually Colgate-Palmolive], but the brand itself signifies some level of environmental responsibility. But, I like the taste better than any other toothpaste. But it’s good to know they’re using good practices.

Aside from purchasing decisions, is there any way you personally try to do good in the world?
I used to volunteer for a non-profit that raises funds for education in India, called Asha for Education. I did that for many years, I led the SF chapter. But I had to step down when I started an MBA last year. I’m still connected to them, but I’m not doing as much in the last year or so.

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