Searching For Different Things

” I think it’s very good when brands give back. With a little amount of money we can help someone”

Name: Beatrice

Age: 37

Living in: San Francisco for now, but returning to Northern Italy next week, unfortunately

Gig: I’ve run a clothing store for 15 years. A month ago I sold it.

Main source of news: Through social networks. Facebook or Google.

What brands do you have on you right now? I prefer brands that aren’t famous. I like to search for things that are different, or vintage. I don’t care about the brand.

Why do you like vintage?

I like the old styles, from the ‘70s and ‘80s. I like to mix. I invented my style.

Are there any brands that have made their way into your style?

Nothing big, no. These sunglasses are Armani, but only because I got them for 15 euros.

I see you have an Apple. Do you like Apple?

I do like Apple. It’s clear and easy to use. And I like the design.

Do you get excited when a new iPhone comes out?

Yes, I usually buy the new one. I have an account where I can change the iPhone under the same contract.

So Apple is the brand you like the most?

Yes, I think it’s the best.

What do you think about brands that give back, like Warby Parker and Toms Shoes?

I sold Toms Shoes in my shop. I think it’s very good when brands give back. With a little amount of money we can help someone.

When you buy things for yourself, do you think about giving back?

I think I’m helping the employees of the restaurant by spending money there.

Do you do any charity work yourself?

Not yet, but it’s one of my future projects.